Juvederm & Restylane Fillers
Dermal fillers are volumizers that restore volume, enhance and improve facial contours, and accentuate features such as lips. Superficially, dermal fillers can fill small, etched lines around the mouth or more prominent furrows between the brows. When used deeper in the face dermal fillers can provide a “liquid lifting” effect by elevating the temples and midface or softening jowling by defining the jawline.
Many dermal fillers, like the Restylane or Juvederm families of fillers, are hyaluronic acid based products made of a water loving sugar molecule that mimic the hyaluronic acid already found in your skin. Each dermal filler is unique in its constitution making different fillers better choices depending on what the goal of the treatment is.
Treatments involve injections with a fine needle or cannula in the area of interest. Prior to the treatment a cold gel pack, topical anesthetic cream or injection of anesthetic is used to make the area comfortable. Effects of the treatment are visible immediately and downtime is minimal, though may involve bruising and swelling. Duration of the treatment effect depends on the dermal filler used and underlying individual physiology. Treatments can be repeated or layered as needed to maintain or enhance effects.
If you are interested in Restylane or Juvederm fillers, give us a call at (715) 835.2285 or contact us. Our facility is located in Eau Claire, WI.

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